Dough Balls with Vanilla Pastry Cream

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If you’re a lover of puff puff, legemat then this is for you. This is a twist of a traditional dessert that has never gone away! You call it puff puff in Nigeria, Luquimat in Sudan and Greece, dumplings, doughnuts in many countries…and i’m sure there’s so many other variations out there! They’re a must with a cup of tea.
Prep time: 15 mins – Cook time: 20 mins – Total time: 35 mins


  • 1 cup plain yoghurt, full fat
  • 25 grams sugar
  • 1 egg
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons baking powder
  • 250 grams flour and extra for flowering your surface
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract


Large saucepan
Large bowl
Weight scale
Piping bag with a rounded star tip
Large frying spoon

How to…..

In a large bowl combine the yoghurt, sugar, egg and vanilla extract. Mix by hand until well combined. Add the flour in one go and continue mixing by hand. Add the baking powder and mix in. The dough will come together in a round shape. Flour your hands, and start shaping the dough into small round balls. Place them on a floured surface and cover with a kitchen towel. Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. Drop the dough balls in the oil and fry until golden brown. Take them out onto a kitchen towel and let them cool.

Now make the vanilla pastry cream. See XXX for the recipe. 

Once cooled down, you can start filling the dough balls with the pastry cream. Put the pastry cream into the piping bag. Press the piping tip into the dough ball and pipe in the pastry cream. As soon as the pastry cream starts oozing out, stop piping and move on to the next dough ball. 

Add water, butter, sugar and salt to a large saucepan, bring to a boil over medium-high heat. ether and is smooth (a few lumps in it are fine).

Transfer mixture to a large mixing bowl, let it cool for a few minutes.

Add the vanilla and egg to flour mixture then blend immediately with an electric mixer until the mixture is smooth (it will separate at first but keep mixing it will come together).

Transfer to a piping bag fitted with a rounded star tip.

Pipe the mixture into preheated oil. You can use a scissor to cut each churros as you’re piping it onto the oil. Each churro should be about 3-4 inches.

Let them fry until golden brown. Transfer to a big sieve over a plate to dry briefly.