Chocotorta with Oreos

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I love this Argentinian dessert. The combination of the dulce de leche creamy filling with the cookies is just divine. You literally take the first bite, and feel happiness take you over with the deliciousness!
Prep time: 60 mins (including 30 mins chilling time)


2 cups cream cheese

2 cups dulce de leche

1 cup milk

32 oreo cookies


Handful of chocolate and gold sprinkles (optional)


Measuring cups
9 inch round ceramic pie dish
1 medium bowl
Handheld electric whisk

How to……

With an electric handheld whisk beat the cream cheese until soft. Add the dulce de leche and beat just until well combined. 

Now start assembling the chocotorta. 

Put the milk in a medium bowl. Dip an oreo in the milk and then place onto the serving plate. Dip each oreo into the milk and place in the dish until the cookies cover the base of the dish. Pipe a thin layer of the dulce de leche/cream cheese mixture on top of the cookies. Now make another layer of cookies dipped in milk on top of the dulce de leche/cream cheese. Pipe another layer of the dulce de leche/cream cheese so you end with it. Scatter decorative sprinkles on top. Chill for two hours minimum. Serve chilled!