Basque Cheesecake

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I only found out about basque cheesecakes recently…it never occurred to me that a ”somewhat burned” cheesecake is a thing! If you love cheesecakes, then you’re definitely going to like this. With the creamy texture of the cheesecake, you get the somewhat burnt top and just adds that lovely texture to the cake. Try it!
Prep time: 30 mins – Chilling time: 120 mins – Cook time: 25-30 mins – Total time: 3 hours


Cheese Filling

  • 450g/16 oz cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream
  • 3 tbsp flour
  • 1 1/2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3 eggs, lightly whisked by a fork

Topping (optional)

  • 2 bananas
  • chocolate sauce


Measuring cups and spoons
Electric mixer (handheld)
7 inch/18 cm round springform pan
1 small bowl
1 large bowl
Spatula, fork, knife, and 2 serving spoons
2 parchment papers (16 * 12 inches each)
Baking sheet

How to…..

Preheat the oven at 450 degrees F/245 degrees C. Prepare the baking pan. Place the two parchment papers at criss cross and have them hang over the sides of the pan so the top of the cake will be exposed.

Put the cream cheese and sugar in a large bowl. Mix on low with the electric whisk until its just combined. In a small bowl, crack the three eggs and whisk them lightly by hand. Pour them gradually into the cheese mixture and whisk with the electric mixer. Add the lemon juice, flour, salt and heavy cream and keep mixing. Pour the cake mixture into the cake pan. Knock it softly against the countertop a few times to get rid of any air bubbles. Put the cake pan on a baking sheet (just in case any batter makes its way out of the pan).

Place in the middle rack in the oven and bake for about 25-30 minutes until the top is amber/dark brown in color on top and its still jiggly in the center. Watch it carefully as the time will depend on each individual office. It can quickly turn dark brown once it starts to color, and you want to maintain the jiggle in the middle. Remove the cake and let it cool in the pan for about two hours. You can serve it at room temperature or chill it in the fridge for a few hours before serving.

Bake for 1 hour 45 minutes or until you see the cheesecake has set but the center still wiggles a bit.

Remove from the oven and leave it to cool completely. Then chill in the fridge for 8 hours up to overnight. I usually leave it overnight.


Loosen the springform and gently peel off the parchment paper. Then take two flat serving spoons and put them under the cake at opposite ends and lift the cake to a serving plate. To keep it easy, you can just leave the cake on the bottom of the pan (since you can barely see it anyway) and just lift it with the bottom of the pan onto a serving plate.


Cut up two bananas into round circles and place them on top of the cake, and sprinkle chocolate sauce across each slice as you cut up the cake.