Cinnamon Swirl Bread

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Give me cinnamon and I’ll sprinkle it on anything! One of my favorite spices. You get the warmth, sweetness and spicy taste all in one.  This bread is so soft, and the cinnamon swirl brings in that tang you need. Next time I think I’ll put even more cinnamon.
ps – I also use cinnamon in my tea a lot..i let the water simmer with the tea, cinnamon, cardamon and cloves for about 30 minutes. I then add the milk and leave it to boil. Heaven!!
Prep time: 20 mins – Rising time: 2-4 hours – Cook time: 30 mins


  • 1 package yeast (1/4 ounce or 7 grams)
  • 1/3 cup warm water
  • ¼ cup sugar (or less according to taste)
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons butter, softened
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup warm milk
  • 3 cups flour (or slightly less)
  • 3 tablespoons cinnamon


Measuring cups and spoons
Standing electric mixer
1 large bowl
Plastic wrap
9*5 inch / 23 * 13 cm loaf pan, greased
Rolling pin

How to…..

In the bowl of the standing mixer, dissolve the yeast and 1 teaspoon sugar in warm water and let it rest for 5-10 minutes until bubbles form. Add to the yeast mixture the egg, milk, butter, rest of the sugar, salt and half the flour and mix well with an electric whisk on medium speed. Add in the remaining flour gradually until the dough becomes smooth and forms a ball. This will take about 3-5 minutes.

Put a little oil in a bowl and grease it. Place the dough in the bowl and cover with cling wrap. Let it rise until doubled in size.

Mix the cinnamon and sugar. Poke down the dough and turn it onto a floured surface. Roll it into a 9 inch (long side) rectangle. Spread the cinnamon sugar mix all over it leaving a small ½ inch/1.3 cm border. Roll it up into a 9*5 inch/23*13 cm log shape and pinch in the ends to seal them. Place it in the loaf pan. Cover and let it rise until its doubled in size. This could take 1-2 hours depending on the temperature in your kitchen.

Preheat oven to 350 F/176 C.

Bake until golden brown, about 30 minutes.